Haley’s Comment

North Node of Fate Shifts to Gemini
North Node moves into Gemini May 2020, shifting a new sector of life for us to be curious about.

Venus Retrograde in Gemini and You
Will your ex come back with Venus retrograde in Gemini transit of 2020? In short - no. Ah, yes. Venus retrograde. The signature ex transit. But what if I told you this could be a tremendously healing influence if you lean into it? Making it just about potentially...

Cosmic Course Corrections – July Eclipse Season 2019 & Your Chart!
Accountants have tax time. Florists have Valentine's Day. Astrologers, we have eclipses. It's our busy season. And why is that? Because it's kind of when everything feels rather intense for the collective, particularly if you're impacted (for the July eclipse season,...

Natal Moon Phases: How The Phase of the Moon at the Time of your Birth Impacts Your Personality
La Luna is the closest celestial body to planet Earth. When you think of her impact on the tides + the Oceans, and consider how we're largely composed of water, it always felt intuitive and natural for me to look to her for celestial rhythms. The natal moon phase in...

Astrology Indications for People Pleasing & Relationship Reliance
Full Moon For the babies who entered the world when the moon was full, the Sun and the Moon stood directly opposing one another, witnessing the other celestial body in its glory. This creates the push / pull of the Sun and Moon opposition but also a desire to have...

The Four Elements in Astrology: How to Balance & Activate the Fire, Water, Air or Earth Energy in Your Natal Chart
Astrology is powerful because rather than fighting nature or trying to force things into existence, we can rather sync up with the natural, more powerful rhythm of the world around us. When we spend time in nature, we realize everything is perfect - nothing is rushed,...

Synastry in Astrology – How to Determine how Cosmically Compatible You and Your Love Are!
I can't tell you how many texts I've gotten "Haley! I just met a Leo! Are Leos and Taurus compatible?!"And I never quite have an answer for those people. Truth is, Sun sign compatibility is incredibly limited in its scope. Looking at a overall overlay of the two...

A Pisces Full Moon Message to my Healers
I'm writing this on a night that feels particularly tough. It's a Pisces full moon conjunct Neptune and this watery energy is bringing up emotions on a collective level. Hurricane Irma is looming. A mad man is running the country. California is in flames. Our society...

Eclipse Season Survival Guide: August 2017
If you've asked any astrologer about August's eclipse season this year, they'll all shudder. It's an intense month, especially for the United States, which is why you've heard so many mutters of the "Great American Eclipse." While this energy is potent, by grounding...

Cancer New Moon • Healing Your Past, Manifesting Your Future
Cancer New Moon is a time for manifestation, for planting new seeds, but today's energy also embraces themes of clearing out past hurts to make room for the newness to enter our life. With any planet in Cancer, there's an emotional energy to it - Cancer is the sign...