La Luna is the closest celestial body to planet Earth. When you think of her impact on the tides + the Oceans, and consider how we’re largely composed of water, it always felt intuitive and natural for me to look to her for celestial rhythms. The natal moon phase in our birth chart is a largely overlooked piece of the natal chart puzzle that can communicate the overall theme that will thematically frame the native’s life.

It’s always felt personal to me – as a natal moon phase “full moon” baby who literally stayed in the womb two extra weeks so I could make a dramatic entrance into Earth at the peak of the full moon, I knew that the full moon energy of culmination, fulfillment and realization would be themes I would walk in this lifetime. It is deeply crucial to me when I look upon my own birth chart, so I make sure it’s an aspect I touch upon in each consultation or report I do for others.

New moon babies enter the world when there is little light, but lots of potential, energy & enthusiasm. The new moon phase is when we set our intentions, plant our seeds to grow what we wish to cultivate. These natives entered the world at this fertile energy – so this natives are constantly drawn to the beginning of things. New moon babies have a strong desire for new experiences and new opportunities – they are driven by novelty. when we plant the seeds to grow new ideas. There’s almost a childlike innocence to the natives who were born with the moon absent in the sky – they possess a wide-eyed sense of wonder, sense for fun + scattered energy. Follow through may not always be strong with these folks, but you can count on them to get things going and get the ball rolling, as they are drawn to beginnings. That’s what they are here for – to stir the inspiration, to plant the seeds, to build upon.

Waxing crescent moon is when those intentions we created at the new moon begin to take root into the Earth. Crescent moon babies enter the world when those new ideas planted at the new moon phase are beginning to take shape and form. Those ideas are beginning to become real. Whereas new moon is about the vision and taking immediate action based on those whims, waxing crescent moon phase babies are more thoughtful in their approach. There is a focused energy to the crescent moon baby. They are curious, creative & intelligent individuals. Their lives are lived with a sense of anticipation, like they are juuuuuust on the cusp of something wonderful. They still retain that excitement and anticipation of their new moon babes before them – the moon is BUILDING, after all! But those who have the natal moon phase as a waxing crescent moon don’t have action as their first instinct – rather, logic. They move forward with their enthusiasm once they’ve thought it through.

First quarter moons babies are brought into the world during a critical point in the moon cycle. this tension tends to manifest as nervous energy in the native because they come into this world with this feeling of NOW OR NEVER. Because this urgency is ingrained to this natal moon phase, they are the ones you want to have around in an emergency – they can thrive in high stress situations because their life kind of FEELS like a high stress situation, just in day to day life. This natal moon phase signals an individual who is a risk taker, an adventurer,  an entrepreneurs. A faster pace of life is woven into them since birth at this critical birth phase, so you’ll find these natives quite ambitious and independent. First quarter babies are independent, ambitious self starters. They’ve got their eye on the target & they WILL pursue it.

Gibbous moon loves build on those previous energies that came before it, except their energy is to purify, perfect, cleanse. It reminds me of Virgo energy – they take the projects the new moon baby started, the crescent moon baby thought through, the first quarter baby made happen and they search for ways to improve it. There’s an intrinsic urge that drives them to they have an urge to purify & perfect their lives. Those with a natal moon phase of Gibbous’ lives are a constant journey of developing + improving themselves. They came here to master skills, work on themselves, “perfect” their lives…if such a thing exists. This can manifest quite a bit of anxious energy, as they are trying to create perfection in an imperfect world, in an imperfect vessel but if you want something done right…make a waxing gibbous baby do it.

Full moon babies – my cosmic loves, you arrived to the Earth with la luna was glowing in full force. When you arrived to planet Earth, the Sun & moon were shining in full glory + witness of the other body. There is the tension of opposites that appears here – with sun & moon in opposite sides of the zodiac, these natives can feel a core disconnect between their wants + needs. this makes them a lot of fun, but not always the most consistent. These individuals with a full moon as their natal moon phase grow the most through the reflection of others. Full moon babies continually attract key partners that inspire their growth. Full moon babies live a life of illumination, constantly working with these notions of opposites & what it means to cooperate with others.

Disseminating moon babies are here to learn what it means to give back. The culmination has been reached, the fulfillment has been made – now it’s time to pour that love, that wisdom, that energy into those around them with this natal moon phase.  Disseminating babies are here to “disseminate” information – they have wisdom from past lifetimes + their job here is to spread it to others. Disseminating babies are here to spread their knowledge, so they tend to live their lives constantly on the move, staying true to their independence & their freedom. It reminds me of Gemini energy in that way – very curious, very communicative, constantly on the go. They don’t have time to settle, they have work to be done, wisdom to be shared.

Third quarter moon babes are at another critical point in the natal moon phase cycle. When the moon is that half shape, it’s fraught with tension. Whereas first quarter babies are the ones who will likely build upon that sense of urgency with risks, action and an extroverted, stimulating life, third quarter moon babies direct that urgency towards more internal questions – like why are they here, what their purpose is. They are thoughtful, intuitive types who find deeper meaning not in the external world, but in the internal. Natives born during this moon phase NEED to live a life true to their authentic selves. Meaning, purpose & their personal philosophy plays paramount to their life’s arc. There is some element of getting away from, or releasing the old, and third quarter moon natives may need to learn how to gracefully let go of mindsets, groups or jobs that aren’t contributing to their higher purpose.

Balsamic moon / waning crescent moon babies come into the world when the moon is getting smaller and smaller, chapters are being ended. Likewise, they are here to end some cycles as well. These types enter the world with strong karma attached. They attract short-lived, karmic relationships – because they’re sorting out lifetimes of karma with people in this lifetime. Time alone to reflect is essential for balsamic (or dark moon) babies. This natal moon phase signals individuals who have entered a lifetime of closure + completion. Spirituality is a key theme, and they must come back to self – as many of the people in their life will likely leave them at some point. Finding solace in oneself is crucial for balsamic babies. Balsamic moon types are quiet but powerful, with the innate ability to transform themselves as well as guide others in how to gracefully transition. They know that everything is temporary, so they do not fear death. This energy reminds me of “The Hermit” card in your tarot deck – silent, solitary, but wise.

Does your natal moon phase resonate with you? Share below!